Database Migration
Tool-based & easy

Trouble-Free Database Migration with fecher

In theory, a switch from one database to another is quite simple: As SQL has been standardized, existing applications, in principle, should be able to work together with any new database platform. In practice, however, this road is a bit bumpy. Deterrents to a smooth switch-over include incompatible manufacturer standards for defining tables and views, proprietary programming languages for triggers and stored procedures and, last but not least, significant deviations in the various SQL dialects. With the tool-supported service dbPORTER and the middleware components of sqlTRANSLATOR, fecher has now made switching databases as easy as SQL's originators actually intended.

We analyze your applications and databases cost-free and provide you with an initial quote for a modernization project!

With our database migration tool, you will migrate your source databases in no time and avoid data loss. The following source databases are supported by our database migration solution:

  • OpenText™ Gupta SQLBase
  • IBM Informix
  • MS Access

For target databases, the focus is on the following systems:

  • SQL-Server
  • Microsoft Azure SQL Database
  • Oracle

The simple fact that we can now operate around the clock without a maintenance window is a significant advantage for our business processes.

Stephan Karger, Unit Manager Hessen-Forst

We are happy to assess other source and target databases in the context of a project. Request a free rough analysis now and get comprehensive advice from our experts!

Procedure Model

A database migration project at fecher consists of four phases. In this process, we create optimal conditions for migrating your data. Especially with a large number of data records, a structured process is necessary to ensure a complete and loss-free data migration. The following sections guide you through a database migration with fecher as an example:

Phase 1:

We map the existing structure of the tables to the target database. From the application viewpoint, the behavior will be the same as the source database.

Phase 2:

We translate the database logic in the form of stored procedures, triggers and views. The new database will also contain the old database's system tables.

Phase 3:

All of the logic and table structure script is implemented using dbPORTER. This tool connects the old and the new database, working as a migration tool and a data-pump. It creates the new structure and pumps all of the existing data to the new database. The process is then verified and a comprehensive log is generated.

As the dbPORTER tool is available throughout the development, test migrations can be performed at any time. After this work has been completed, all of your installed databases will be migrated.

Phase 4:

The sqlTRANSLATOR middleware is integrated into the application as an ADO.NET data provider and during run time translates the .NET application's SQL statements into the target database's syntax.

We're mainly focusing on migrations involving OpenTextTM SQLBase and IBM Informix as the source platforms and SQL Server, Microsoft Azure SQL database and Oracle as the target databases. Let us know if you'd like us to assess additional databases within the context of a project. We also offer the dbPORTER and sqlTRANSLATOR tools at a fixed price as part of a porting project.